Tuesday, 18 October 2016

How to Self – check if you may be showing breast cancer symptoms

Disclaimer: Cancer can be accurately detected only by a trained doctor and / or through proper diagnostic tests. The advice below is merely indicative and extremely preliminary in nature. The absence of below symptoms does not necessary mean the absece of breast cancer. Please consult your doctor for proper diagnosis.

Step 1:
Shoulders straight, arms on hips. Now look in the mirror. Observe your breasts for the following key points :usual size, shape and color. If you see dimpling, puckering, bulging of skin, a changed or inverted nipple position, redness, rash, swelling or soreness; contact your doctor and bring the signs to their attention.

Step 2 :
As you look in the mirror, check out for any fluids oozing out of one or both nipples. Milky, yellow, watery or blood, any fluid oozing out should be brought to the doctor’s notice.

Step 3 :
Lie down and feel your breasts. Using right hand to feel the left breast and vice versa. It needs to be a smooth, firm touch using the fingerpads of the first few fingers. Fingers should be kept together and flat and a circular motion should be used, that is about one quarter in size.  Make sure you cover the entire breast. From side to side, top to bottom, from armpit to the cleavage and from collarbone to the top of the abdomen. Ensure you check for the same symptoms. Use varying pressure and ensure you cover from front to the back of the tissue.

Step 4 :

Check the symptoms when sitting or standing. This can be easier when in shower, because it’s easier when the skin is slippery. Use the same movements as described in step 3.

Remember all these initial home – checks are not foolproof. They need to be brought to your doctor’s notice. Upon recommendation, appropriate mammograms shall need to be done to ascertain the situation with accuracy. For more information, or an awareness camp you can also reach out to NGOs like us. We at Core Cancer Foundation, look forward to supporting you.

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