To begin with, this article is primarily for all those brave hearts who are considering quitting smoking. Believe us when we say this, we know it’s tough! But we also want you to know that we are with you on this journey that you’ve embarked on – The journey to a tobacco-free life. You have all our support that we can offer!
Since our doctors and experts understand that quitting smoking is difficult, they often talk about the importance of being ready and mentally prepared. Here are a few tips to prepare yourself to quit smoking:
1. Decide if you’re ready to quit!
This is the toughest part of the journey you have embarked on. Maybe you’ve already made up your mind and have taken your last puff today. That’s great news! Maybe you haven’t. That’s OK too. Some day you may want to quit. This information will still help you. The first step is to know that you will never be fully ready. Addictions are difficult that way. However, on the brighter side, this means that you will always be as ready as you can be.
2. If you’re not ready, reconsider your choices!
Think about how expensive cigarettes are and if you could spend that money on some recreational hobby or even a healthier lifestyle, how much would it affect you positively. Consider how much your lifespan is reduced by smoking, and how your smoking affects other people’s lives.
As you ponder on these deeper aspects of smoking beyond the instant nicotine fix, you will find yourself increasingly ready to lead a tobacco-free life.
3. Figure out your reasons
Knowing why you want to actually quit will help you stay true to your resolution. Your health being the first and the foremost reason to quit, it will help if you want to be good role model for your family and kids.
Often responsibility is a good reason to not give into the temptation of ‘Just this one cigarette!’ At the same time, the best reasons are those that come from within you, rather than external factors and motivations. So try to find more internal reasons and consider spending your financial savings in something that would give you a greater high than tobacco. Treat yourself with music, plays, books, a small weekend getaway or something else that would use up the money you just saved!
4. Figure out your steps in quitting
This is important! Everyone needs a plan and a roadmap to success. You may want to go cold turkey, or you may want to reduce gradually. You may want to use anti-nicotine medicines or electronic cigarettes. Consult your physician, ask them for advice. Develop a support system that would not let you indulge and would remind you of your resolve if you want to indulge. We all know that the ultimate resolve and the desire to quit have to come from within oneself. However, it helps to have a plan and a support system.
5. Know the pit falls
There are side effects to quitting. However, believe it or not, there are no side effects worse than the effects that tobacco is causing on your body. Some of them are weight gain, the possibility of restarting smoking, or nicotine withdrawal. The more you understand this effects, the better planning you will be able to do. Also, it will help you prepare more to tackle these side effects and quit with relative ease.
Beyond anything, if you need someone to reach out to, do write to us and we will offer you all the support that’s possible to help you deal with quitting.